2007-2010年就读于英国Imperial College London获博士学位
2021年 雷竞技raybet官网版下载教授
2016年 英国University of Nottingham任职副教授
2012年 英国Durham University任职讲师
2011-2012年 澳大利亚Monash Univeristy、法国Ecole Polytechnique任research fellow
1) L. He, H. Xu, X. Mao, G. Besagni, “Some Recent Advances in Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022 (212): 118645.
2) D. Xiao, W. Zhang, Q. Sun, X. Mao, “Linear and weakly nonlinear dominant dynamics in a boundary layer flow “, Physics of Fluids 2022 (34): 054101 (featured article)
3) W. Huang, Z. Wang, D. Xiao, G. Xi, X. Mao, “Transition induced by wall-normal vibration in flow around a flat plate with roughness”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022 (940): A33
4) W. Zhang, A Shahmardi, K. Choi, O. Tammisola, L. Brandt, X. Mao*, “A phase-field method for three-phase flows with icing”, Journal of Computational Physics, 2022 (458): 111104
5) D. Xiao, H. Borradaile, K. Choi, L. Feng, J. Wang and X. Mao, “Bypass transition in a boundary layer flow induced by plasma actuators”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021 (929): A6.
6) J. Ren, W. Wolf, X. Mao*, “Model reduction of travelling-wave problems via Radon cumulative distribution transform”, Physical Review of Fluids, 2021(6): L082501
7) B. Elshafei, A. Pena, D. Xu, J. Ren, J. Badger, F. Pimenta, D. Giddings, X. Mao*, “A hybrid solution for offshore wind resource assessment from limited onshore measurements”, Applied Energy, 2021 (298): 117245
8) J. Deng, X. Mao*, Luca Brandt, “Symmetry Breaking of Tail-clamped Filaments in a Stokes Flow”, Physical Review Letters, 2021 (126): 124501 (featured on the cover)
9) X. Mao*, Bofu Wang, “Spanwise localized control for drag reduction in flow passing a cylinder”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021 (915): A112.
10) J. Ren, X. Mao*, S. Fu, “Image-based flow decomposition using empirical wavelet transform”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021 (906): A22