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1. 代表性期刊论文:
[1]. Jie Chen, Juan Li, and Bin Xin. DMOEA-εC: Decomposition-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm With the ε-Constraint Framework [J]. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2017, 21(5): 714–730. (SCI一区,IF: 11.169)
[2]. Juan Li, Bin Xin, Jie Chen, and Panos M. Pardalos. Noise-Tolerant Techniques for Decomposition-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, 50(2): 2274-2287. (SCI一区,IF:11.079)
[3]. Juan Li, Panos M. Pardalos, Bin Xin, and Jie Chen. The Bi-objective Critical Node Detection Problem with Minimum Pairwise Connectivity and Cost: Theory and Algorithms[J]. Soft Computing, 2019, 23(23): 12729–12744. (SCI三区,IF:3.050)
[4]. Juan Li, Bin Xin, Panos M. Pardalos, and Jie Chen. Solving Bi-objective Uncertain Stochastic Resource Allocation Problems by the CVaR-based Risk Measure and Decomposition-based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms[J], Annals of Operations Research, 296, 639–666 (2021). (SCI三区,IF:2.583)
[5]. Juan Li*, Jie Li, Panos M. Pardalos, and Chengwei Yang. DMaOEA-εC: Decomposition-Based Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithm with the ε-Constraint Framework[J], Information Sciences, Volume 537, October 2020, Pages 203-226. (SCI一区,IF:5.910)
[6]. Juan Li, Bin Xin*, Jie Chen, and Ling Wang. S-CoEA: Subproblems Co-solving Evolutionary Algorithm for Uncertain Optimization[J], IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3064556. (SCI一区,IF:11.079)
[7]. Yachao Yang, Chang Liu*, Jie Li, Yu Yang, Juan Li, Zhidong Zhang and Bobo Ye. Design, Implementation, and Verification of a Low‐cost Terminal Guidance System for Small Fixed‐Wing UAVs[J]. Journal of Field Robotics. 2021, 38(5): 801–827.(SCI二区,IF:6.385)
[8]. Jing Xiong, Jie Li, Juan Li*, Senbo Kang, Chang Liu, and Chengwei Yang, Probability-Tuned Market-based Allocations for UAV Swarms under Unreliable Observations[J],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI:10.1109/TCYB.2022.3162907. (SCI一区,IF:11.079)
[9]. Bobo Ye, Jie Li, Juan Li*, Chang Liu, Jichu Li, Yachao Yang, Deep Reinforcement Learning based Diving/Pull-out Control for Bioinspired Morphing UAVs Unmanned Systems[J], Unmanned Systems, DOI.org/10.1142/S2301385020500090.
[10]. Juan Li, Jie Chen, Bin Xin, Lihua Dou. Solving Multi-objective Multi-stage Weapon Target Assignment Problem via Adaptive NSGA-II and Adaptive MOEA/D: A Comparison Study [C]. //Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2015: 3132-3139.
[11]. Juan Li, Jie Chen, Bin Xin. Efficiently Solving Multi-objective Dynamic Weapon Target Assignment Problems by NSGA-II [C]. //Proceedings of the Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2015: 2556-2561.
[12]. Juan Li, Jie Chen, Bin Xin, Lihua Dou, Zhihong Peng. Solving the Uncertain Multiobjective Multi-stage Weapon Target Assignment Problem via MOEA/D-AWA [C]. //Proceedings of the World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), 2016: 4934-4941.
[13]. Juan Li, Jie Chen, Bin Xin, Lu Chen. Efficient Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving the Multi-objective MWTA Problem: A Comparison Study [C]. //Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017: 435-442.
[14]. Lu Chen, Bin Xin, Jie Chen, Juan Li. A Virtual-decision-maker Library Considering Personalities and Dynamically Changing Preference Structures for Interactive Multiobjective Optimization [C]. //Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017: 636-641.
[15]. Juan Li, Bin Xin. An Improved Version of DMOEA-εC for Many-objective Optimization Problems: IDMOEA-εC [C]. //Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2019: 2212-2217.
[16]. Juan Li, Jie Chen, Bin Xin. Optimizing Multi-objective Uncertain Multi-stage Weapon Target Assignment Problems with the Risk Measure CVaR [C].// Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 2019: 61-66.
[17]. Ziquan Wang, Chengwei Yang, Xiaolin Hu, Jing Xiong, Juan Li*, Chang Liu, A Design of Simulation Environment for Small Fixed-wing Aircraft, 4th International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Optimization (CSMO), 2020.05.22, 012066 (8 pp.).
[18]. Ziwei Xin, Jie Li, Ziquan Wang, Juan Li*, A Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Platform for UAV Swarm Decision-Making, 2021 5th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control.
[19]. Ziquan Wang, Jie Li, Juan Li*, and Chang Liu, UAV Swarm Search Methods under Weak Information Interaction Conditions, 2021 UAV Swarm Search Methods under Weak Information Interaction Conditions.
[20]. Shi Chen, Cheng Zhang, Chengwei Yang, Juan Li*, IMFlySim: A High-Fidelity Simulation Platform for UAV Swarms, 2021 5th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control.
[21]. 张胜,胡学峰,刘畅,李娟*, 基于单体视觉投影的集群控制策略, 无人系统技术, 2022,5(5):80–88, DOI: 10.19942/j.issn.2096–5915.2022.5.052.
[22]. Jing Xiong, Juan Li*, Jie Li. Adaptive Assignment Re-Consensus in Communication-Constrained Environments[C]//ICUS 2022; The 5th IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems. Date of Conference: 14-16 October 2022. Conference Location: Guangzhou, China. 38-43. (Best Paper Award)
[23]. Ziwei Xin; Juan Li*; Chang Liu; Jie Li; Zihao Chen; Yiliang Li,Task-driven rule-based algorithm with mode-switching for UAV swarms in bounded areas[C].//Proceedings of the 2022 10th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, ISCIIA 2022. (Session Best Presentation Award)
[24]. Chen ,Zihao; Li, Juan*; Xiong, Jing; Li, Jie; Liu, Chang; Lin, Jinkun; Xin, Ziwei; Li, Yiliang; Decentralized Task Assignment based on Information Fusion in Communication-Constrained Environments[C].//Proceedings of the 2022 10th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, ISCIIA 2022. (Best Paper Award)
[25]. Yiliang Li, Juan Li*, Chang Liu, Jie Li, Ziwei Xin, Zihao Chen. An Auction-based Attack-defense Decision-making Method for UAV Air Combat[C]//ICUS 2022; The 5th IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems. Date of Conference: 14-16 October 2022. Conference Location: Guangzhou, China.
[26]. 李杰,刘畅,李娟. 集群智能-从自然到人工系统,中国宇航出版社, ISBN:978-7-5159-1828-0.
[27]. Juan Li, Bin Xin, Jie Chen. Decomposition-based Evolutionary Optimization in Complex Environments, World Scientific Publishing, August 2020, ISBN: 978-981-12-1898-9.
[1]. 杨成伟,李杰,刘畅,王子泉,杨宇,李娟,熊婧,唐水源,王守猛,一种基于球面成像的多无人机自组群互感理解方法,ZL 2019 1 1409374.8.
[2]. 杨成伟,王子泉,李杰,唐水源,刘畅,李娟,王守猛,杨宇,一种基于视觉信息的新型无人机自组群自洽优化控制方法,ZL 2019 1 1417161.X.
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