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2015/09-2019/06 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 博士
2012/09-2015/03 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 硕士
2008/09-2012/06 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 本科


2021/10-现在 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 预聘助理教授
2019/07–2021/07 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 博士后


1. 代表性期刊论文:
[1] Zhiling Bai*, Zhuoping Duan, Lijing Wen, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhuocheng Ou, Fenglei Huang. Shock initiation of multi-component insensitive PBX explosives: experiments and MC-DZK mesoscopic reaction rate model [J], Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 369: 62-69.
[2] Zhiling Bai*, Zhuoping Duan, Haiqing Liu, Jintao Cai, Zhuocheng Ou, Guiji Wang, Fenglei Huang. Initiation and detonation growth characteristics of polymer bonded explosives under ramp-wave loadings [J], Journal of Applied Physics, 125,155901 (2019).
[3] Zhiling Bai*, Zhuoping Duan, Lijing Wen, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhuocheng Ou, Fenglei Huang. Comparative Analysis of Detonation Growth Characteristics between HMX- and TATB-based PBXs [J], Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2019, 44: 1-13.
[4] Zhiling Bai*, Zhuoping Duan, Lijing Wen, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhuocheng Ou, Fenglei Huang. Embedded Manganin Gauge Measurements and Modeling of Shock Initiation in HMX-based PBX Explosives with Different Particle Sizes and Porosities [J], Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2020, 45: 908-920.
[5] Zhiling Bai*, Zhuoping Duan, Xinjie Wang, Fenglei Huang. A Statistical Hot Spot Reaction Rate Model for Shock Initiation of Polymer-bonded Explosives [J], Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2021, 46:1723-1732.
[6] Zhuoping Duan, Mengjing Bai, Zhiling Bai*, Xinjie Wang, Fenglei Huang. Combustion Crack-network Reaction Evolution Model for Highly-confined Explosives[J]. Defence Technology, 2022.
[7] Qianchun Wang, Zhiling Bai*, Baohua Ji. A theoretical model of fracture of biological composites considering complex structural arrangement of microstructures[J]. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 167 (2022) 105001.
[8] Xiao Yang, Zhuocheng Ou, Zhiling Bai*, Zhuoping Duan, Fenglei Huang. A one dimensional ubiquitiform damage model for quasi-brittle materials[J]. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2022, 1-26.
[9] Zhiling Bai*, Yewang Su, Baohua Ji. Buckling behaviors of staggered nanostructure of biological materials [J]. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 83(3): 031011.
[10] Zhiling Bai*, Baohua Ji. Local buckling analysis of biological nanocomposites based on a beam-spring model [J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2015, 5(4):146-150.
[1] 白志玲*,段卓平,黄风雷. 基于反应演化模型的带泄压结构弹药的反应烈度评估方法,2022.07, 中国, ZL202110180237.2.
[2] 白志玲*,黄风雷,段卓平,张连生. 化爆驱动飞片撞击钝感高能炸药多样品冲击起爆试验系统,中国, ZL202010711323.7.
[3] 段卓平,白志玲*,黄风雷. 基于燃烧网络反应演化模型的弹药反应烈度量化评估方法, 2022.9, 中国,ZL202010709788.9.
[4] 段卓平,张连生,黄风雷,白志玲. 一种热刺激弹药装药点火及其反应增长全过程测试系统, 2021.9, 中国,ZL202010711336.4。
[5] 段卓平,肖川,黄风雷,白志玲.一种温度压力控制的不敏感战斗部泄压结构,2022.6, 中国,ZL202010709806.3.
[6] 黄风雷,张连生,段卓平,白志玲*. 一种烤燃试验弹用高温压力测试装置, 2020.11, 中国,CN202010711339.8.
[7] 黄风雷,肖川,段卓平,白志玲*. 强约束不敏感侵彻爆破战斗部结构, 2020.11, 中国,CN202010709812.9.


1. 研究生《瞬态测试技术》


1. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 2015年度最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award) 2017.5.


1. 中国力学学会会员,中国兵工学会会员,中国力学学会爆炸力学专业委员会爆轰专业组秘书(2020-现在)

