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姓名:张    宏



2009年9月—2013年7月 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 工程力学 学士
2013年8月—2017年5月 新加坡国立大学土木学院 结构工程 博士


2017年3月—2019年8月 澳大利亚昆士兰大学土木学院 博士后
2019年8月—2021年12月 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 副教授 博导
2021年12月至今 雷竞技raybet官网版下载教授 博导


1. Wang C.M., Zhang H., Challamel N. and Pan W. (2020), Hencky bar chain/net models for structural analysis, World Scientific
2. Challamel N., Wang C.M., Zhang H., and Elishakoff I. (2020), Microstructure-based nonlocal models, Book chapter
1. Zhu X.F., Zhang H.*, Lu G.X.*, Zhou H.Y. (2022), "Nonlinear impulsive and vibration analysis of nonlocal FG-CNT reinforced sandwich plate by considering agglomerations." European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids: 92(104485).
2. Wang Z., Zhang H.*, Dong Y.H., Zhou H.Y., Huang G.Y.* (2022), "Ballistic performance and protection mechanism of aramid fabric modified by polyethylene and graphene." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: 107772.
3. 刘宇航,张宏*,黄广炎,周宏元 (2022). “高性能复合纤维的防刺机理”,兵工学报, doi: 10.12382/bgxb.2021.0513.。
4. Zhang H., Wang C. M., Challamel N. and Pan W.H. * (2020), "Calibration of Eringen's small length scale coefficient for buckling circular and annular plates via Hencky bar-net model." Applied Mathematical Modelling: 78(399-417).
5. Zhang H., Wang C. M.*, Challamel N. and Zhang Y.P. (2018), "Uncovering the finite difference model equivalent to Hencky bar-net model for axisymmetric bending of circular and annular plates." Applied Mathematical Modelling: 61(300-315).
6. Zhang H., Wang C. M.* and Challamel N. (2018), "Modelling vibrating nano-strings by lattice, finite difference and Eringen's nonlocal models." Journal of Sound and Vibration: 425(41-52).
7. Zhang H., Challamel N. *, Wang C. M. and Zhang Y.P. (2019), "Buckling of multiply connected bar-chain and its associated continualized nonlocal model." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: 150(168-175).
8. Zhang H., Challamel N.*, Wang C. M. and Zhang Y.P. (2019). "Exact and nonlocal solutions for vibration of multiply connected bar-chain system with direct and indirect neighbouring interactions." Journal of Sound and Vibration: 443(63-73).
9. Zhang H.*, Wang C. M. and Challamel N. (2016), "Buckling and vibration analyses of Hencky bar-chain with internal elastic springs." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: 119(383-395).
10. Zhang H.*, Wang C. M. and Challamel N. (2017), "Small length scale coefficient for Eringen’s and lattice-based continualized nonlocal circular arches in buckling and vibration." Composite Structures: 165(148-159).
11. Wang C. M., Zhang H.*, Challamel N. and Duan W.H. (2017), "On boundary conditions for buckling and vibration of nonlocal beams." European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids: 61(73-81).
12. Zhang H.*, Wang C. M., Ruocco E. and Challamel N. (2016), "Hencky bar-chain model for buckling and vibration analyses of non-uniform beams on variable elastic foundation." Engineering Structures: 126(252-263).
13. Zhang H.*, Wang C. M., Challamel N. and Ruocco E. (2017), "Semi-analytical solutions for optimal design of columns based on Hencky bar-chain model." Engineering Structures: 136(87-99).
14. Wang C. M., Zhang H.*, Challamel N. and Xiang Y. (2016). "Buckling of nonlocal columns with allowance for selfweight."Journal of Engineering Mechanics: 142(7).
15. Zhang H. and Wang C. M.* (2018), "Hencky bar-chain model for optimal circular arches against buckling." Mechanics Research Communications: 88(7-11).
16. Zhang H., Zhang Y.P. and Wang C. M.* (2018). "Hencky bar-net model for vibration of rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions and point supports." International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics: 18(3).
17. Pan W.H., Wang C. M. and Zhang H.* (2019). “Matrix method for buckling analysis of frames based on Hencky bar-chain model.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics: 19(8).
18. Ruocco E., Zhang H.* and Wang C. M. (2016). "Hencky bar-chain model for buckling analysis of non-uniform columns." Structures: 6(73-84).
19. Wang C. M.*, Zhang H., Gao R.P., Duan W.H. and Challamel N. (2015). "Hencky bar-chain model for buckling and vibration of beams with elastic end restraints." International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics: 15(1540007).
20. Xu Y.J., Zhang H. and Huang G.Y. * (2022), " Ballistic performance of B4C/STF/Twaron composite fabric." Composite Structures: 279(114754).
21. Xie Y.C., Zhang H., Zhu W. and Huang G.Y. * (2022), " Effects of textile structure and projectile geometry on ballistic performance of UHMWPE textiles." Composite Structures: 279(114785).
承担项目: 1. 工信部启明计划,极端环境XXX研究,2021,300万元,主持在研;
2. 技术领域基金,XXX多效应XXX人员的XXX判据,2022,90万元,主持 在研;
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,高速弹道冲击下石墨烯增强芳纶织物的动态响应与防护机理,2021,24万元,主持在研;
4. 爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室自主基金,纳米粒子改性柔性材料的防弹性能研究,2020,10万元,主持在研;
5. 重庆市面上项目,功能梯度复合纤维织物在弹道冲击下的防护机理研究,2021,10万元,主持在研;
6. 科技部重点研发计划专项,XXX柔性防护与无人化XXX技术,2021,423万元,参与在研;
7. 装备预研,XXX战斗部技术,2019,190万元,参与结题;
8. 澳大利亚政府CRC项目,大型浮体结构,2017,800万澳元,参与结题。


(1) 指导硕士生11名(毕业2名)和博士生4名。
(2) 主要讲授课程:本科生专业必修课《材料力学》


《Composite Structures》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《Engineering Structures》、《International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics》等SCI期刊审稿人

