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2000年9月—2004年7月 清华大学 电机系 电气工程及其自动化 本科 2005年9月—2010年7月 清华大学 电机系 电气工程 博士


2010年11月—2013年05月 63961部队兵器科学与技术博士后工作站 博士后
2013年08月—2019年07月 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 讲师
2019年07月—至今 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 副教授


1. A target spatial location method for fuze detonation point based on deep learning and sensor fusion, Expert Systems with Applications(TOP*期刊),2023.9. accepted.
2. 周宇,曹荣刚*,栗苹,马啸,兵工学报,2023.8.23,一种用于外场试验图像的引信炸点检测方法
3. A damage detection system for inner bore of electromagnetic railgun launcher based on deep learning and computer vision. Zhou, Yu; Cao, Ronggang(曹荣刚*); Li, Ping; Ma, Xiao; Hu, Xueyi; Li, Fadong: Expert Systems with Applications(TOP*期刊), v 202, September 15, 2022
4. 一种电磁脉冲电场测试系统,ZL 2021 1 1437602.X,国家发明专利
5. Ma X, Cao RG*, Zhou Y, et. al. A Calibration Method of Inner Bore Profile Detecting on Electromagnetic Railgun, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL(TOP*期刊), 21 (18) , pp.20440-20446, 2021.09
6. Cao RG*, Ma X, Zhang GW, et. al. Analysis about Change of the Armature's Average Speed for an Experimental Rail Launcher, IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 16 (8) , pp.1046-1054, 2021.08
7. Dong, EW; Cao, RG* and Hao, XH. Research on the inner bore profile detecting system of railgun,Measurement(重要期刊)(0263-2241:3.364), 150, 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.107053,2020.01
8. Li, SZ; Cao, RG*; et.al. Analysis of Rail-Armature Linear Resistance Density as the Characterization Parameter for the Sliding Electrical Contact Performance of the Railgun, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 47 (11) , pp.5006-5012, Nov 2019
9. Zhang, GW; Cao, RG* and Li, P. Comparison of Magnetic Field Characteristics Produced by Three-Electrode Spark Gap Switch and Thyristor Switch in Power Pulsed Systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 47 (11) , pp.5172-5179, Nov 2019
10. Cao RG*. Zhang QX. 专著:电磁轨道发射装置电磁环境及其测试技术[M]. 雷竞技raybet官网版下载出版社. 2019.03
11. Zhou, Y and Cao, RG*. The artificial neural network prediction algorithm research of rail-gun current and armature speed based on B-dot probes array,10.1016/j.measurement.2018.09.078, MEASUREMENT(重要期刊), 133 , pp.47-55(0263-2241:3.364)2019.02
12. Cao, RG*; Duo, Z and Su, M. Analysis of Magnetic Field Waveforms of Different Launching Stages of Rail Gun Based on Wavelet Transform. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 47 (1) , pp.500-507, Jan 2019
13. Li, SZ; Cao, RG*; Performance Analysis of Electromagnetic Railgun Launch System Based on Multiple Experimental Data; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 47 (1) , pp.524-534, Jan 2019
14. Zhang, GW; Cao, RG* and Li, P. Analysis of a Measurement Method for the Railgun Current and the Armature's Speed and Initial Position,10.1109/JSEN.2018.2872838,IEEE Sensors Journal(TOP),(1530-437X :3.073),2018.12
15. Dong, E and Cao, RG*. The Inner Surface Profile Measurement Apparatus for an Electromagnetic Rail-gun Launcher 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2817683.IEEE Sensors Journal(TOP)(1530-437X :3.073).2018.05
16. Cao, RG* and Zhang, GW. Analysis of current characteristics of the electromagnetic rail gun based on HHT. IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 13 (2) , pp.339-340. Feb 2018
17. Ronggang Cao*, Erwa Dong, Xiangcai Xu, Analysis and research of online measurement technology in inner bore of EML, The 9th International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, Nagoya, Japan, 2017
18. Cao Ronggang*, Zhang Guangwei, Su Ming, Research on Miniature Calibre Rail-guns for the Mechanical Arm, The 7th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials, Penang, March, Malaysia, 2017
19. Rong-gang Cao*,Xiangcai Xu, Analysis of the velocity and current measurement method based on B-dot probes for the rail-gun,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE ,(accepted),2017
20. Rong-gang Cao*, Shu Li. Improvement of a low-cost combined fitting method for the armature speed and the rail current measurement , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE ,(under revison),2017
21. CAO Ronggang*, SU Ming, LI Shizhong. et. al. Summarize and Analysis of Rail-gun's Grooving Phenomenon with Large Pulse Current and High-velocity Sliding Electrical Contact,High Voltage Engineering,2016.09.30,42(09):2822~2829
22. Zhang, Qingxia ,Li, Jun,Li, Shizhong,Liu, Peizhu,Cao, Ronggang*. et. al. Simulation and Test Study of Bores of Different Structures of Electromagnetic Launcher,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,2015.5.01,43(5):1622~1627



