
联系电话 :010-68915065
E-mail :yajunwang@bit.edu.cn
办公地点 :5号教学楼528
- 所在学科兵器科学与技术
- 研究方向含能材料与特种能源
- 教育背景1992年9月—1996年7月 雷竞技raybet官网版下载机电工程学院 机械电子工程专业 本科
1996年9月—2001年3月 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 军事化学与烟火技术专业 博士 - 工作经历2001年3月—2010年12月 雷竞技raybet官网版下载机电工程学院 《安全与环境学报》编辑部 讲师
2011年1月—今 雷竞技raybet官网版下载 讲师、硕士生导师 - 学术成果
1. Yajun Wang, Ruihua Liu, Yi Wan. Thermal reaction properties of aluminum/iron fluoride nanothermites. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023, doi: 10.1007/s10973-023-12117-0
2. Yajun Wang, Yi Wan, Shihui Li, Liang Guo. Facile fabrication of metastable aluminum/fluoropolymer composite films by spin‑coating and their thermal properties. Journal of Polymer Research, 2022, 29: 77
3. 崔巍, 王亚军, 甘强, 冯长根. 纳米铝热剂的微观模拟研究进展. 火炸药学报, 2022, 45(5): 597-611
4. Pengfei He, Yajun Wang, Shihui Li, Yi Wan. Cathodic electrophoretic deposition and thermal properties of nano aluminum/fluoropolymer metastable intermolecular composite. Journal of Energetic Materials, 2021, 39(4): 399-417
5. Pengfei He, Yajun Wang, Shihui Li, Yi Wan. Novel aluminium polyvinylidene fluoride metastable intermolecular composite film prepared by solution casting method. Micro & Nano Letters, 2020, 15(12): 829-833
6. Yajun Wang, Liang Guo, Zisheng Jiang. Influencing factors of high-pressure discharge nanothermite composites based on Al/Bi2O3. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2019, 55(2): 184-190
7. Liang Guo, Yajun Wang, Pengfei He, Shihui Li. Spin coating preparation and thermal properties of metastable Al/PVDF energetic film with graphene. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(8): 086415
8. Yajun Wang, Zexue Li, Haiyang Yu, Liang Guo. Controllable synthesis of metastable γ-Bi2O3 architectures and optical properties. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2017, 64: 55-62
9. 王亚军, 李泽雪, 于海洋, 冯长根. 亚稳态分子间复合物反应机理研究. 化学进展, 2016, 28(11): 1689-1704
10. Yajun Wang, Xiaojuan Wu, Changgen Feng, Qingxuan Zeng. Improved dielectric properties of surface modified BaTiO3/polyimide composite films. Microelectronic Engineering, 2016, 154: 17-21
- 教学工作1、主要讲授课程:
6、指导研究生1人获北京市优秀毕业研究生称号。 - 荣誉奖励Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Materials Research Bulletin, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Materials Science and Engineering B, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等期刊审稿人。
- 社会兼职被评为(2012.4-2014.5)社会管理综合治理先进个人